If you have added or imported new recipes, you can use our automatic nutrition feature to determine the recipe level nutrition using the Nutrition button.

Our nutrition feature uses our "Food Brain" to automatically recognise the ingredients that you have added, and associate them to our nutrition databases.
We calculate nutrition per serving. Please ensure your recipe servings are set correctly.
It's VERY IMPORTANT to make sure all the ingredients are "resolved" without the triangle warning signs to get accurate nutrition information (see more below)

Sometimes the Food Brain may not understand the ingredients perfectly and will give you a warning if it doesn't.
There are 2 types of warning:
![]() | The ingredient name or unit is not understood, or cannot be converted to grams. This means nutrition cannot be calculated, and these errors do need to be resolved. |
![]() | This means the ingredient has been assumed, and you should check to see if it is indeed correct. |
Here's how you can fix these issues if you encounter them.

For triangle errors:
Hover over the warning triangle it will indicate the nature of the error. Usually it is either an:
Invalid ingredient name
Cannot convert unit into grams
To fix these:
Invalid ingredient name:
You can edit the ingredient directly by just clicking into it and retyping the ingredient
By clicking into the ingredient, in the drop down you can see some ingredient alternatives that you could use instead
If you still cannot find a suitable ingredient, drop us a support email and we'll add it in
Cannot convert units into grams:
By clicking into the ingredient the drop down can provide alternative measures and ingredients (see the screenshot above as an example of alternate measures).
If that doesn't work, try using the gram value directly.