To allow us to publish your App assets into your developer accounts, we will need to be given appropriate access. This guide shows you what to do.
Note that for both these scenarios, we will provide you with a list of names and email addresses to add.
For App store
Please make sure you have enrolled into your Developer account as Company/Organisation, and NOT as an Individual.
Log into your appstore connect account by clicking this link: and then click Users and Access
Click the plus button and then for each of the new users, fill in name and email address as appropriate, grant admin access and check all additional resources are selected. Usually by clicking the Admin role, these are automatically selected. Note that the "Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID Certificate" privilege is not required.
Finally, when the accounts have been created, please check to see the accounts to see if the following Developer privileges are set:
For Play Console
Log into your Google Play console account by clicking this link: then click Users and permissions and Invite new users.
For each new user, fill in the email address and click the Account permissions tab, selecting the Admin access privilege.